In Luke 15, Jesus tells the parables of three losses. You may be familiar with them even if you don’t call them by that name. First, there was the lost sheep. And then, there was the lost coin. Lastly, He told of the lost son, which you may know as the prodigal son. In this…
Prescription For Mass Murders
This post started out as a prescription for depression. We considered it a topical post, given the number of young people who claim to suffer from depression. Statistics paint no better picture either, showing a whopping 17.3 million adult sufferers in the US alone. However, in recent weeks, we changed it to a prescription for mass…
Your Gift Will Make Room For You
In all probability, you have heard pastors using a variant of this passage to urge you to give. They say that since your gift will make room for you, you should give to them. Their claim is that as you give, you have room for growth. Are they right or are they handling the word…
Hero Worship And Jesus Worship
All you need is to become a celebrity and people will start to believe everything you say. I recall someone asking me if I believe advertisements more when they are endorsed by celebrities. Unfortunately, I had no clue who were celebrities and who was not, having only recently relocated. Now I know the difference and…
Embrace The Beauty In Affliction
You take one look at the title of this post and conclude that I have taken leave of my senses. I sympathize with you because if I didn’t know what I now know, I would think so too. But before this is over, you too will start to joyfully embrace the beauty in affliction. The…
Pastor Caiaphas Murdered Jesus
We suspend our regular posting to respond to a request from one of our users. He wanted to see a post about how Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus. Which reminds us, we are here for you, you know. Therefore, if you have any question or issue you want us to write about, you only need to…