We suspend our regular posting to respond to a request from one of our users. He wanted to see a post about how Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus. Which reminds us, we are here for you, you know. Therefore, if you have any question or issue you want us to write about, you only need to ask us.
And if you never get a chance to discuss it on earth, we may be neighbors in heaven. As you know, Heaven is our destination, for which Jesus eminently qualifies us. Because of His death on the cross, we now have a secured berth on the Heavenly transport. So, keep the questions coming. God bless you.
For now, though, we examine how and why Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus. Of course, you may not know him as Pastor, since the bible refers to him as High priest. In our minds, there is no difference. High priest. Pastor. Religious bully. Same thing.
Pastor Caiaphas Murdered Jesus For Position
Because he believed that there could not be two masters in the same religious boat, Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus. And since the pastor considered the boat to be his own, he decided that Jesus was the one to leave. Therefore, if you observe your pastor behaving as if the church belongs to him, he must be a descendant of Pastor Caiaphas.
The pastor succumbed to the motive for most crimes. It is the lust for position and power. His assistant pastors identified the problem that Jesus represented to their religious empire. “If we let Him alone like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation.”
However, it took the High Priest, aka Pastor Caiaphas to prescribe the solution. He started by shaming his assistants, perhaps for being so timid. He then misdirected them by lying. Nowhere in scripture do you see a recommendation that a man should die for the nation.
But this manipulative pastor gave the impression that “one man” must die for the nation. You may know that that concept only applied to animals, the scapegoat. Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus by lying that a human being can serve as the national scapegoat.
Next, watch your pastor. If he tends to bend the truth like Caiaphas, he is likely killing Jesus in your heart. Don’t pay him any mind. Keep in mind that pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus.
By killing Jesus, Pastor Caiaphas subjugated Christianity under religion. By so doing, Caiaphas set up the battle that is raging in the minds of believers even now. We have to choose between religion and Christianity. The choice, as far as we can tell, is clear. Choose Christ; He alone can save. Ignore religion, it cannot save.
Pastor Caiaphas Murdered Jesus With These Helpers
Naturally, in a major crime like the murder of the Son of God, there are several players. We do not forget the greed of Judas Iscariot. He served as the bridge between the assassin and the victim.
Any within the religious organization who loves money will readily take on the role of Judas. Their question is always “Is it Jesus we shall eat? Their God is their belly. And of course, their end is destruction.
It could be any of us, through the ages. If we value material over spiritual, we assisted as Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus.
We must also not forget the origin of this particular crime. Your sin and my sin are the reason that Jesus came to earth in the first place. Pastor Caiaphas and several thousand other pastors could not touch Him if Jesus had remained in Heaven.
Mercifully, Jesus did not stay back in Heaven, out of compassion for you and I. He came on a rescue mission. And our place in Heaven is the result of that mission. Until we receive Jesus and allow His blood to wash us, we are not free of guilt in the murder of Jesus.
Pontius Pilate secured his place in history by helping the pastor in his way. Fear kept him from doing what he knew to be right. If that last sentence struck a nerve, we have a chance to do the right thing. Fear may be keeping us from doing the right thing. But today, we can refuse to support the pastor in doing away with Jesus.
Pastor Caiaphas Built A Murderous Coalition
Other than outside helpers like Judas and us, Caiaphas formed a powerful murderous coalition. Probably, he suspected that no one could single-handedly kill the Lord of Glory.
He had the chief priests. Next, he collected the scribes and he did not leave out the elders. As high priest that year, he sat atop this totem pole. He must do away with the real uppercase High Priest and he needed this coalition. If your pastor is a major networker, watch him.
Jesus had disciples only. He did not go about building a coalition. Coalitions do not belong in church. They belong in Government. That should be an alert to you.
Just as pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus with his coalition, your seriously-networking pastor may be guilty. Be warned. because listening to such a pastor has eternal consequences.
Pastor Caiaphas, Not The Romans Murdered Jesus
Finally, this post should settle for you once and for all the question of who killed Jesus. If you have ever heard that the Romans did the deed, banish the thought. The Romans did not murder Jesus. They simply served as the murder weapon.
So, we see as the good Pastor Caiaphas, the progenitor of all pastors thereafter first murdered Jesus in his heart. He and his henchmen plotted the assassination. And only then did they go in search of a murder weapon. The government of the day proved extremely handy for the deed.
It is the same concept as suicide by cops. A suicidal man decides to die but looks for a human weapon to commit the crime. He finds the cops and taunts them, knowing how they will respond. And that is exactly what happened when Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus.
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All we can say and pray is that we shall not be a party to the pastor’s crime. In the same way, we very well can be a part of his murderous scheme unless we take care. Because the bible clearly states that it is possible to crucify Jesus again and put Him to open shame.
And you don’t even have to be a pastor or a priest, high or low. Anyone can do so by falling away after being a believer. We never want to be like the Pastor or his descendants. However, you may know some of them. Like the modern-day Pastor Caiaphas who operate from the pulpit. They, like Pastor Caiaphas murdered Jesus yesterday, are murdering Him today and will do so forever.