In an earlier post, we saw how God the Father put His apron on to create you and me. Some of us may feel it is too high a standard to try and be exactly like God. And that is understandable, so, we turn our attention to His creatures – Adam and Eve. Did they have any form of physical exercise at creation? Did God assign any work for them to do or did they just sit and watch nature?
If that last question was not so sad, it would be funny. That the God who worked to create us would forget to give us something to do. He would not want us to sit and watch television (or whatever was in the garden) all day. God knew that idleness kills both the body as well as the spirit man.
You have heard that idleness is the devil’s workshop. Lack of physical activity also kills the body. Medical doctors talk of “use it or lose it.” If Adam and Eve did not have physical exercise at creation, they could have died sooner than they did.
Reason For Physical Exercise At Creation
It is quite possible that because the patriarchs had work to do is why they lived so long. And that may imply that because everything in now remote-controlled and air-conditioned, we are dying younger. It is not that I know for sure but the possibility is there, is it not?
Studies show that obesity increased during COVID. And now, with several work-from-home scenarios, scientists say illnesses are on the increase. I believe that is why God created work – not like back-breaking work, but gentle work. Like gardening. Or walking or cooking or some such work.
Now, if you are involved in regular hard work, you groan at all this talk of exercise. And who can blame you? You return at the end of the day (or night, depending on your shift) and your back is aching. Your arms and legs too. The last thing you want to hear is that exercise is an integral part of Divine Health.
I have good news for you. The physical exercise at creation that God gave Adam and Eve does not lead to back ache. It was just to tend the garden, like with my porch garden. It is gentle work. The bible does not say that Adam and Eve even had to weed the soil. The reason that is important is that they did not sweat.
The Effect Of Sin
Sweating, which suggests hard work, came with the curse of sin. Here is how that is good news for us. If you are willing to be obedient, you will be free from sweating. Your portion will just be the gentle physical exercise at creation that God intended for us. Sadly, not many people are willing to give up their sin.
So, for many of us, life continues to be hard. But the choice is open to you. Let go of sin and limit yourself to the gentle physical exercise at creation. Or keep your sin and with it, the hard work that the devil puts on his subjects. With that lifestyle of sin comes all sorts of illnesses. You may recall that God promised to keep us free from those diseases the Egyptians suffered from. If we are obedient.
Next week, if the trumpet has not called us home, we shall move to the last but one pillar of this journey. Much as Jesus worked all the time, He also knew how to practice this next step. God the Father also took the time for this pillar. It should be fun to explore together how they did it, starting with our next post.
To your health!