Are you aware that you are totally accountable for what fills your mind? Whether it is positive or negative, it is all on you. You need to search for good experiences which you can then regularly recall to mind and avoid suicide. Prophet Jeremiah was quite an expert in recalling things to mind in order to gain hope.
And it is my hope that, by now, you are truly curious about this. What is it that you can recall to mind and avoid suicide, prevent depression and bring hope? Because, after all, preventing suicide in genuine Christians has more to do with us than with Jeremiah.
Don’t forget that he has faithfully carried out his assignment and gone home to his deserved rest. Meanwhile, you and I are still on the battlefield of life. Therefore, I have to ask: Do I know what exactly the prophet did in recalling to mind to avoid suicide?
Jeremiah Knew How To Recall To Mind And Avoid Suicide
Do you? Stay with me as we flesh out the secret to the prophet’s continuing joy and happiness. We shall learn what he recalled to mind regularly that he did not succumb to depression or commit suicide. That poor prophet, often known as the weeping prophet, experienced a lot of difficulties.
He refers to them as affliction and roaming; the wormwood and the gall. These were real, not imagined, difficulties as is the case with some of us. Imagine, at one point in his life, he had to live in a dry well. And only because he was faithfully relaying God’s message to the King. Here was a man who committed no crime and yet his food was dry bread.
Each time his mind went to those difficulties, his soul sank within him. Of course. Nevertheless, the good man did not stay in that state of depression. Jeremiah quickly sprang out of the valley of sorrow.
He discovered the way out when he learned how to recall to mind and avoid suicide. Think about this for a moment: from where do suicides come? Regardless of the specifics of a given scenario, all suicides come from a place of depression.
And depression – deep or otherwise – results from a loss of hope. Consequently, because Jeremiah learned to develop hope in his life, he was effectively conquering depression and avoiding suicide.
The prophet knew how to fill his mind with positive thoughts of God. Please do not mistake this for positive thinking. This is a very specific process and it is not psychological. On the contrary, it is a spiritual exercise.
A Spiritual Solution To A Spiritual Problem
In a similar fashion, this post is not about suicides in general. Those might be due to abuse of drugs or other causes, all psychological. Instead, we are here focused on suicide in genuine Christians who are diligently serving God. Which is the reason we use active men of God as our examples.
Take Jeremiah for instance. He filled his mind with thoughts of God’s past dealings with him. Keep in mind that probably no other prophet experienced worse trials or greater trouble. His song should have been, like Louis Armstrong’s “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.”
That is if it is left to you and me, regular Christians. Most believers would be having a huge pity party if we experienced a portion of Jeremiah’s troubles and difficulties. But not Jeremiah. He took a decision to live above the shadows. He wanted to live in God’s Presence.
To help him do that, he decided to recall to mind and avoid suicide through developing hope. He regularly thought of God’s faithfulness to him in times past. That good prophet then contrasted his difficulties with his being alive still and well. And he concluded that, but for the mercies of God, he would have been consumed by the mountain of troubles.
But there he was, still going strong. Which meant that God was merciful and able to keep him going. Just as it brought Jeremiah hope, you and I can recall to mind and avoid suicide We can receive hope by thinking of God’s goodness and faithfulness to us in times past.
King David Learned How To Recall To Mind And Avoid Suicide
King David was another man of God who saw trouble. He received nothing but ingratitude from people he was working to help. At some point, he had to remark his close friend in whom he trusted. That friend lifted his heel against the King.
But like Jeremiah, the King learned how to encourage himself in the Lord. He knew how to recall to mind and avoid suicide. It is important to note that this is different from encouraging yourself in your skills or accomplishments.
This is not the same as ‘chin up’ or positive thinking or even looking to your social network. The emphasis here is on the Lord. He encouraged himself in the Lord, not in any other. It is important to note that he did not encourage himself in his situation or trouble.
His encouragement came directly from God. I wonder where your encouragement comes from. Or perhaps you simply leave your soul in defeat and walk around with head bowed. As if God had died. Both David and Jeremiah knew that God is alive, well and able. These, therefore, insisted on making it their motto: Recall to mind and avoid suicide.
They dwelt on God’s mercies. His faithfulness filled their minds. King and prophet deliberately recalled that it is because of God’s compassions that they had not been consumed. By so doing, they emptied their minds of negative thoughts. These are thoughts which can cause a man’s soul to sink into depression.
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Recall To Mind And Avoid Suicide
And no doubt, you occasionally – or perhaps often – have thoughts that cause your soul to sink. Please don’t stay there. I beg you by the mercies of God, don’t live in depression. Because, if a man lives in depression long enough, he will likely commit suicide, a deadly sin that catapults him directly into hell.
Never mind that Pastors, young and old, seem to be committing suicide more frequently these days. Suicide is still a grievous sin that takes a person right into hell fire. Please accept this post as your rescue plan and share with all you know. Because they may not be aware of the eternal damnation of suicide.
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And perhaps more significantly, they may not realize that there is a way out. Because, if you are even a half-decent Christian, you will have afflictions and persecutions. There is no room for controversy here; it is a given.
In point of fact, your problems will be greater than before you became a believer. It is a result of the refining heat. You see, God wants us to share in His holiness is why we will suffer affliction. Heaven is holy, prepared for holy people. So, that trouble you are going through is not purposeless. It is preparing you for eternal life.
All the same, troubles have the potential of pushing you into the doldrums. Prophet Elijah lost his life and ministry because he stayed in the valley of depression. Don’t be like him. Practice how to recall to mind and avoid suicide.
The Help Of Man Is Useless
Fortunately for Elijah, he took his depression to God and therefore missed out on hell. God granted his wish to die but he did not have to take his own life. Take even your depression to God, not to your friends. Your friends CANNOT help you.
In all likelihood, they are in a worse situation and have simply perfected the art of hypocrisy better than you. Psychologists will also not be able to help you either. This is not to knock any profession. All the same, the increasing rate of mass murders suggests a failure of mental health programs.
Instead, take your sorrow and your depression to the Lord. That process is what saved Elijah from suicide. Better still, take a decision today to be like Jeremiah, who deliberately filled his mind with God’s faithfulness and mercies. He knew how to recall to mind and avoid suicide.
You shall not die, but live to tell of God’s goodness, right here on earth!