There is a very amusing word picture in the bible. In that image, we see God’s people described as two little flocks of goats, but they are at war. Meanwhile, you see their enemy filling the countryside, a huge army. You have to wonder what such a pitiable army is doing going to war. Why not surrender if they are under attack? It is then you read that the two little flocks of goats defeated the much bigger army. Their secret? The tiny army had a strategy for sustained victory.
Like now, national leaders of that era were always looking for other countries to overrun. And this is not a reference to your President or Prime Minister! However, unlike now, when the battle is on cyberspace or at financial institutions, they fought militarily, constantly. Hence you saw them always at war, either attacking or being attacked.
Now, you would imagine that if your enemy’s army is several times the size of your army, you would surrender. You would send peace envoys to your attacker and ask for terms of peace. He would then place a heavy tax on you and your land.
Such taxation is designed to be burdensome but since you are small and weak, you accept. And groan under the burden until something breaks. That was the usual pattern. But here, you see this smaller army adopt a countercultural stance. And they were proved right because they had learned the strategy for sustained victory.
Their Strategy For Sustained Victory Was Tried And True
Although there are no guarantees in any war, Ahab was fairly confident he could win. You see, this was not the first time that his strategy for sustained victory had served him well. In the previous year, when the same army had attacked, he had defeated the stronger foe.
At first, Ahab had accepted the terms of peace, and they were not pleasant. “Your silver and your gold are mine; your loveliest wives and children are mine.” Can you imagine? Just because the enemy is stronger, he is asking for your loveliest wives and children. And you have no choice but to agree with him.
But as God would have it, the enemy made the taxation tougher. You may wonder why God appears in that last sentence. It is because when God is ready to rescue you, He usually makes the problem worse. Thus it was with the children of Israel when God wanted to deliver them from Pharaoh’s hegemony in Egypt.
So, this enemy demanded even more and thereby moved Ahab closer to God. Real trouble, the type that your uncle cannot resolve, will either make you better or bitter. If it does the former, you become closer to God. You have the experience, no doubt. Well, this excessive demand drove the king toward God.
And that became the secret of their strategy for sustained victory. They defeated the enemy repeatedly. Find time to read the entire account. It will help to build your faith for battle. And that includes any type of battle; be it cancer or other chronic health issues, financial failure, even relationship collapse.
Hearing From God Is The Strategy For Sustained Victory
The King then had no option but to run to God, and God spoke. God will speak to you today. He gave the king detailed instructions for battle and when he implemented it, he and his tiny army were victorious. You see, it is only God who declares the end from the beginning. He it is who knows the plans of the enemy and can thwart it.
That is why God takes it upon Himself to order the steps of a righteous man. Once you learn to depend on the Holy Spirit to share the mind of God with you, you have it made. God will talk to you through His Holy Spirit and give you detailed instructions for winning. He will order your steps such that you enjoy success at all times. And that will become your secret strategy for sustained victory.
With each victory, you surprise all your friends with how easy your life turns out to be. And of course, you confound your enemies by defeating them at all times. What they don’t realize is that you have a strategy for sustained victory. Let them continue to guess.
However, because God says we should bless those who despitefully use us, you may let them into your secret. Share this post with them and let them see clearly that hearing from God is the strategy for sustained victory. And even if it means that they will then know your secret, you will at least be obeying God. It is then left with them to learn how to hear from God. That is not on you.
Joseph And Others Enjoyed Sustained Success
In spite of his brothers spitefully using him, Joseph enjoyed continual success and victory. You know the story. And it is quite specific on the reason for his continual victory, even over the queen. God was with him. Get God into your corner and you will never lose another battle. Ever. Guaranteed.
And Joseph was not the first person to learn that strategy for sustained victory. And he was not the last. You will find a list of people who learned the strategy for sustained victory here. Besides, I am hoping those will not be the last. And that more and more of us will continue to learn how to be a constant overcomer.
We easily do that by taking God with us everywhere we go. You know how much shame the groom would have caught at his wedding in Canaan. Instead, he gloriously won the day. And all because he had enough good sense to invite Jesus to his wedding.
Of course, inviting Jesus into your life is the sure-fire strategy for sustained victory. And not only in this world but in the world to come. May you continue to win all of life’s battles, now and forever. Amen