This is not our first post on the usefulness of pain. The first time, we opined that pain was a divine alert. It is much like your bank alert, letting you know you have to take action. We noted then that the illnesses that do not have the pain alert are the fastest killers. They kill people silently. Now, we revisit the idea but from a different angle. This time, the beauty of pain is to encourage the child of God to embrace negative situations.
Christians tend to run away from and pray against negative situations. But if we can learn to embrace them, our lives will be transformed. And that is what this series of posts on positive problems is all about. It is our firm belief that all situations you face – whether good or bad – come to you from God. That assumes, of course, that you are a child of God and that you have given your life to Jesus. If you are not a child of God, bad things can come to you from the devil. In that case, the result is not likely to be good. Because he has come to steal, kill, and destroy. If you are relating to a being whose sole aim is to kill you and destroy you, you cannot expect good results.
On the contrary, when God gives you a problem, the result will be great. That is because all things work together for the good of those who love God. Do you love God? Then you can relax when that pain comes. Don’t start binding enemies. Rejoice when that affliction happens to you. It will work out well in the end.
The Beauty Of Pain In Your Soul
Are you in pain right now? It is emotional or physical or financial? Whatever pain you are experiencing, look for God in it and let him work it out for your good.
Do you know you cannot grow into a mature Christian without pain? Think of the giants of faith in the bible. You will find them mostly in the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. They all went through pain, particularly In their souls. That is how they ended up in that chapter, often referred to as the Hall of Faith. Do you want to become a faith giant like them? Embrace pain.
It is only then you will discover the beauty of pain in your soul. Of course, pain is unpleasant and we would not ask that you pray for pain. But when your heavenly father brings soul pain your way, welcome it. You will then be most like Jesus who knew He was coming to earth to die. And yet, He came gladly. He is our ultimate and perfect example. What did Jesus know that we can learn from as we seek to embrace undesirable situations?
Jesus Knew The Father
We find the answer in John 13.3. Jesus knew that the Father had given all things into His hands. He also knew that He had come from God and was going to God. Jesus was therefore able to embrace the menial task of washing his followers’ feet. What about you and I?
Do we know that God has given all things into our hands through our big brother Jesus? The second thing He knew was that He came from God. Do we know that we come from God and that He is our Father through Jesus Christ? Finally, Jesus knew He was going to God.
I most certainly hope we know we are going to God one day. If we are sure of these three facts, we start to see the beauty in pain. But if we are not sure, any talk of the beauty in pain is so much hot air to our ears. Where do you stand? With Jesus, knowing the three things that allowed him to embrace pain?
Or are you without Jesus and therefore without the knowledge that turns pain into joy? If you would see the beauty in pain, please be like Jesus. Invite Him into your life and let God show you great and mighty things in His law. The invitation is still open.