By now, you are wondering just why we want to concern ourselves with the remnant. It does not matter that this is the remnant of God’s people. A remnant is a remnant, a piece of leftover something. Usually, a remnant is good for nothing.
If it is large enough, you may use a cloth remnant for a rag in the kitchen or bathroom. And if it is a remnant of food, you may store it and reheat it later. Either way, being a remnant is neither glamorous nor desirable. And you don’t want to know even if our reference is to the bible.
But wait, this is the remnant of God’s people, possibly different from other remnants. Since God is good, His people might turn out to be great and the remnant might be good as well. Yes, you can say that God is good to the last drop. And when you know what the bible says about the remnant of God’s people, you will change your mind.
For instance, on the wilderness journey, only God’s remnant arrived safe. The main body of those who left Egypt had been devoured by the forest and the snakes therein. Only Joshua and Caleb, of an estimated six hundred thousand adult men who started the journey, arrived.
That should immediately tell you that being part of the remnant of God’s people is not a bad thing. In fact, before you finish reading this, you are likely to understand that this is the best group on earth.
It is the select group that will safely arrive at our promised destination. That is the destination that we call Heaven, the abode of God our Father. We shall make it home after our sojourn here on earth.
God Reserves A Remnant For Himself
Unlike the tailor’s leftover, the remnant of God’s people does not denote a leftover. Rather, the concept is of a reserved and special people. And it is God who personally reserves this group for His own purpose. View it as the host of a party cutting off and keeping a piece of the cake before the celebration begins. He does so for the important guest who, for some reason, is unable to attend the party.
The remnant of God’s people is that portion of His people which God keeps; that He preserves. God made this clear in His response to Elijah when that prophet complained of being alone in worshiping God. He informed the prophet that He had reserved seven thousand men for Himself. These were men who had not bowed their knee to the idol Baal. That is what it means to be the remnant of God’s people.
It is a concept which Paul the Apostle quite understood and to which he later referred. The people in his time worried that perhaps God had totally rejected Israel since Israel had rejected Jesus. Referencing this conversation between God and Elijah, Paul concluded that even among the Israelites, God was preserving for Himself a remnant. It was according to grace. And that brings us to the consideration of the characteristics of the remnant of God’s people.
Characteristics Of The Remnant Of God’s People
We have already seen that these are people who have received grace. You know that a gift is not a gift until you receive it. If someone gives you a gift and you refuse to accept it, it remains useless to you. In the same way, God is giving the gift of grace but some insist on trying to qualify for heaven by works. It is not possible. To be a part of the remnant of God’s people, you have to accept God’s grace.
That means recognizing that you cannot save yourself and simply giving thanks to God for Jesus. Writing to the church in Ephesus, Paul emphasizes that salvation is a gift of grace. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God.” A recognition and a grateful receiving of this gracious gift represent the first sign of the remnant of God’s people.
Secondly, the remnant of God’s people must be like God. The first virtue that comes to mind here is humility. Jesus, though God, humbled Himself even to the death on the cross. Instantly, you see why the remnant cannot be many. Because not many of us as believers cherish the idea of being humble. It does not sit well with us.
Thirdly, we have to be people of faith, not of sight. Unfortunately, many of us are too logical to operate in faith. God is not logical or else He would not have sent His son to die for us. Jesus Himself was illogical to accept such a foolish errand. To function in faith, we must similarly do away with our logical minds.
The Remnant Of God’s People Will Arrive In Heaven
There are more characteristics but with just these three, it is clear why only very few people belong. The remnant of God’s people is not a popular club. God reserves it for the very few who can be like Him. It should therefore not surprise you that Jesus describes the path to Heaven as being narrow.
He says only a few will find it. My desire is that you are among those who do. But you have to be a part of the remnant of God’s people in humility and faith. And yet, there is more.
The One we follow and who will take us to Heaven is Jesus, the Way. You already know how the religious leaders persecuted Him and eventually assassinated Him. Well, He said that since they persecuted Him, we should expect persecution. That means that the remnant of God’s people will suffer affliction. It is a definite part of their landscape.
Equally, just as Jesus arrived safely and was exalted, so will the remnant of God’s people. Since we are partakers of His suffering, we shall also be partakers of His glory. Do you shy away from persecution? Jesus did not and if you are following Him, you will embrace affliction. The very few who embrace affliction are the remnant of God’s people.
They are the ones, like Jesus, who will make it to Heaven. And not only will they arrive safe, but they will also receive a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty. This is why Paul said that the suffering is nothing when compared with the weight of glory we shall receive. Mercifully, the door is still open to become the remnant of God’s people. What will you do?

The fat, the materially wealthy are the Apple of the worldThey are encumbered with the weight of the world to pass through the narrow way to God’s abode. He/She who has a mat to sleep on is too comfortable in this world to hear the ringing bell of the grace of God to avail it for himself or herself. Potent message.
Awesome post.