In the world today, everybody is on one side or the other of the great divide. No, not the political divide, which no longer exists anyway, what with our passion for tribal politics. On the much broader side of the divide, you have the ones who are their own masters. The leaner segment holds those who are the special possession of God.
Foolishly, some might say, these believe that there is God. What’s more, they believe what He says. As noted, they are in the minority. How else can you be special unless you are different from every Bill, Chuck, and Jack in the neighborhood? Unlike the larger group who believe that they are self-mad, self-actuating and self-propelling, these believe differently.
This minority group believes that they have received mercy is why they are what they are. No doubt, having observed that the race is not always to the swift, they derive strength from outside themselves. They have often seen the mighty fall in battle and the posh job going to the dullard. This difference might motivate them to become the special possession of God, not minding the cost.
Great Care For The Special Possession Of God
Among all your possessions, there are some which you designate as special. Those could be neckties, pieces of jewelry or even household utensils. Whatever the category of possession, once you slap a special label on it, you treat it differently. The others remain ordinary, for everyday commonplace use. Like your everyday coffee mug. You probably simply rinse it between uses. It sits on the table somewhere and may gather dust if your home is dusty.
Your special mug meanwhile? It is behind a glass good in the cabinet. You shine it ready for that special guest or your special event. No sooner is the event over than you wash and shine it before putting it in its place of honor. Behind its glass door, dust or bugs cannot touch it. But it can still be admired.
Similarly, once you become the special possession of God, God begins to treat you with special care. He washes and shines you before positioning you in a place of honor. God does not deploy you for ordinary-day events. He shows you off because you are for the praise of His glory. And of course, you only get to hob-nob with people of honor.
By now, you are salivating with the desire to be the special possession of God. I know that I would be if our positions were reversed. However, you know that you cannot become special simply by wishing it. The question then becomes what you need to do to become the special possession of God.
Qualities Of The Special Possession Of God
The reference above about being for the praise of His glory contains the very first qualification. It reveals that before you can become the special possession of God, you must belong to Him. For believers, this is obvious. How can you show anything or anyone off unless they belong to you?
Nevertheless, it bears repeating. You have to belong to God for you to have a hope of becoming the special possession of God. If you are feeling lonesome and friendless, particularly at this most wonderful time of the year, you can belong to God. Right now. And the only way to belong to God is to come through Christ.
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Secondly, you must obtain mercy. This is a bit tricky but, simply put, it indicates that you acknowledge your dependence on God. You cannot obtain mercy until you see your need of mercy. Any attitude of “I got this” precludes you from the mercy of God. You see, God is the helper of the helpless. Unless you declare your dependence on Him, God does not bestow mercy on you.
Thirdly, you have to be like God. In practical terms, this means that you must lay aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. Phew! That is a very tall order, particularly the part about all deceit. Why! We even have a tendency to deceive ourselves as we live in denial. And to not ever speak evil of anyone? Ever? Get out of town!
Prescription To Help You Become God’s Special Possession
All the same, there is a prescription for any who is intent on becoming the special possession of God. You can become trees of righteousness, a planting of God, another way of saying that you bear God’s DNA. The only way to achieve that is to earnestly crave the word of God as pure milk. This desire is likened to the way newborn babies crave milk. Without their milk, babies will not grow and might die.
In the same way, your desire to become the special possession of God will die unless you feed it on the word of God. Keep in mind, the baby is already a member of the family just as you are already a member of God’s family. You entered into God’s family the day you trusted Christ with your life.
Nevertheless, unless you feed, like the baby, you may die. Or at the best, you will fail to achieve the goal of becoming the special possession of God.
The Choice Is Yours
By now, it should be clear that being the special possession of God comes with benefits and costs. But before you allow the costs to deprive you of the benefits, read the entirety of God’s label. Regardless of what the ordinary ones are, God’s label on you starts with the word “but.”
(They are disobedient) But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people. (The special possession of God). That you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
God is planning to use you to proclaim His own praise. Are you ready? Not minding the cost? Keep in mind, as you accede to His call, you obtain mercy.
All of us at Heaven Readiness wish you a very Merry Christmas.