Allow us at Heaven Readiness to wish you a belated Happy Easter. May the joy and power of Jesus’ resurrection be your portion now and forever. Before we move away from the season, there is a little item in the Easter story that deserves a second look. It is the fact that the temple veil is torn forever.
In our rush to get to the part which we consider sweet, we usually overlook the tearing of the veil. This is similar to what we do with the verse about wanting to know God. We say “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.” Usually, we leave out the part about His suffering and His death. And yet, it is His death that saved us.
So now, we refocus on His death, particularly the part when He took His last breath. By so doing, He tore the temple veil in two. And now, the temple veil is torn forever. Never again will we need a man to mediate for us with God. As a result of this season, the only mediator between God and man is Jesus, now and forever.
Pardon me when I say that the torn veil represents the most important part of the entire Easter season. Of course, Jesus had to die and rise, but according to the story, His death tore the veil. The moment He breathed His last on the cross, that veil tore into two completely separate pieces.
And guess what, the temple veil is torn forever and ever. But unless you know the significance of the veil, you will not understand why it took Jesus’ death to tear it. And of course, the fact of its being torn will never excite you.
The Origin Of The Temple Veil
Stay with me here as we take time to become excited that the temple veil is torn forever. You surely remember the time when God asked Moses to come up to the mountain to receive the commandments. When he came down from God’s Presence, Moses’ face was shining with blinding brightness.
By the way, that is what spending time in God’s Presence does to anyone who can take the time. The children of Israel were evidently afraid of looking directly at God’s glory reflected on Moses’ face. So, he put a veil on his face. But for going back to God, he would take the veil off but put it back on to speak to the people.
During the construction of the temple, the builders included a heavy curtain (veil) between the Presence of God and the people. Every once in a while, the priest would go into the holy of Holies on behalf of the people.
That is where the veil came from and unfortunately, that veil remains to this day. On the other hand, you and I do not have that veil. I am assuming here that you are a believer in Jesus. And the reason that believers do not have the veil on our hearts is quite simple.
The bible says it categorically. “Nevertheless, when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” Do you know how, when you are reading the bible, some concept suddenly becomes crystal clear? That is the taking away of the veil. As you make it a habit to study your bible, the frequency with which God removes the veil and reveals Himself to you increases.
The Temple Veil Is Torn Forever In Jesus
Until, as with some great bible scholars, it seems as if God takes the veil away permanently. They understand every word in the bible and can teach wonderfully. But there is a better way for them as well as for you and me. And that is that the temple veil is torn forever. That way, nobody can ever put it back together.
And that only happens through Jesus’ death. When He took that last breath on the cross, He tore the temple veil in two. Hallelujah! Many of us focus on the resurrection and there is nothing wrong with that. At Easter, we celebrate God’s faithfulness that He did not leave Jesus’s soul in Sheol.
Jesus already knew about His Father’s faithfulness but we know it only in the demonstration. God promised not to leave Jesus in the grave and Easter is the proof of that faithfulness. From now on, we can depend on God’s every word. With the resurrection at Easter, we are witnesses to His faithfulness and of course, His awesome power.
But it was at the cross that Jesus bought permanent access into God Presence for each of us. That is the beauty of the cross. It is why you can refer to it as Good Friday. The veil is no more. Forever. It no longer needs to exist for you and me. The temple veil is torn forever, which is the best form of its permanent removal. From now on, we have direct access to our Maker and Father.
Only In Jesus Is The Temple Veil Torn Forever.
You could be a bible scholar of great repute but without Jesus, you cannot understand God. It may be possible for you to hold powerful discussions about God, but to have personal knowledge of Him? This bears repeating. The temple veil is torn forever only in Jesus. No amount of studying can show you the Father unless Jesus is in your heart. That is because the veil remains when we try to read the bible without Jesus on the inside
Please note and enjoy how complete the work of salvation is. Observe that Jesus’ last breath did not put a hole in the veil. Otherwise, somebody would stitch it back. And then we would lose our access into the mercy seat of God. Even if Jesus’ death tore it halfway, a good seamstress could sew it back together.
The bible is quite emphatic in its description of how the veil tore. It wants us to fully appreciate that never again can the veil exist in the heart of the believer. It says: “And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last. Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” Gone. Never to be put together again. The temple veil is torn forever.
Reconciliation Results When The Temple Veil Is Torn Forever
As a pastor myself, I have nothing against pastors and priests. But our job is not to mediate between man and God. Reconciliation between man and God was achieved on the cross by Jesus and no other. Granted, the bible talks of us having the ministry of reconciliation. But that is only as we remain in Jesus.
Even if you were far off, Jesus’ blood, shed on Calvary’s cross, is sufficiently powerful to bring you close to God. All because the temple veil is torn forever. Jesus is our Reconciler-in-Chief. The joy of Easter can only be real for those who are willing to place their lives in His hands.
If you are not sure that Jesus lives within you, nothing stops you from giving your life to Jesus right now. He is waiting for you.
Happy Easter!

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