A few days ago, the British Broadcasting Service carried a feature article on the monster that we know as Amazon. Not the river or the rainforest but the Jeff Bezos version of it. The article sounded the alarm about a tech giant that set about building a data machine that simulates omniscience. It paints a clear picture of how there is no longer a hiding place anywhere in the world.
And this prowess is not an accidental find like you have in archeological digs. The organization set about knowing everything about everybody. Deliberately. It knows when you use the bathroom and it knows the whys and wherefores as well. Forget about hacking your information through your keystrokes. Those are for the amateurs in our midst. According to the article, Amazon is way past that.
It would not surprise me if those who allege that tech giants can read minds are right on the money. That is, in spite of their out-of-hand dismissal of the idea when it came up for discussion a few months ago. The reason I took particular note of that discussion was personal. My friend and I had had a discussion about a particular subject. Within an hour, related advertisements were following my every mouse click.
that is why, as far as I can tell, the jury is still out. Until I am persuaded otherwise, I firmly believe that there is no longer a hiding place, not even in your mind.
There Is No Longer A Hiding Place From God
Disclaimer: This section is designed for those who believe that God got His hands dirty to make them. You will simply have to pardon me if you are related to, or descended from, apes. Those whom God created know a few things about God, such as how He is everywhere-present; all-knowing and all-powerful. Perhaps you know these characteristics as omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. That works too.
Today, we focus on two of His virtues. In a later section, we shall consider how He is everywhere present. However, since the BBC article was titled “Why Amazon knows so much about you,” we start with His all-knowing characteristic. God even knows and understands our thoughts but unlike Amazon, He is not denying it or hiding it.
Please observe that we are merely adopting Amazon as a poster-boy for all tech giants – they are all culpable. Unlike the tech giants, there is nothing surreptitious about God and His knowledge of us.
Indeed, God wants us to know that He knows our thoughts so that we can control the contents of our minds. The reason that there is no longer a hiding place from God is our own good.
From Tech Giants, There Is No Longer A Hiding Place
Not so Amazon. It uses your data for nefarious acts. And unless you request Amazon hides the fact that it knows everything about your every move, no matter how insignificant. Why so furtive? Take the tech giants’ claim that their ability to read minds was spurious as an example. What else do you expect from a sinister plotter? Of course, they would try to hide behind smokescreens even as they sell your data to third parties.
Does the chief plotter, aka, Satan not try to deny its very existence by disguising as an angel of light? You do not see the devil coming right out and introducing himself, do you? Please note that I am not a purveyor of conspiracy theories. And most definitely, on this site, we assiduously try to stay out of the political arena.
However, from time to time, there comes a compelling intersection of our mandate and the events in the world. We assume that you know that our mandate is getting you ready for Heaven at the Rapture. So, when for example the Rapture intersected with climate change a few months ago, we had to comment. We opined that world leaders will be paying lip service to climate change until it becomes too late for humanity.
This time, Amazon’s behemoth data machine is showing up on our mandate’s radar, prompting another commentary. If God is all-knowing and Amazon is setting out to become all-knowing, what does that make Amazon? Is it trying to be like God? And do you recall one who also wanted to be like God? That’s right, Satan.
Are Tech Giants An End-time Representation Of Satan?
Here is how the devil said it then and how he is implementing that ambition even now. “I will ascend into heaven, and I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north. Now, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and I will be like the Most-High.”
Satan very badly wanted to be like God. The question then arises; is Amazon, which is trying to be like God, a representation of Satan? Particularly as its humongous treasure trove is a result of an intentional act? Did it set out to try and emulate God? We cannot confirm yet, particularly as so much of it is under wraps, intentionally so. But hold that thought as we consider God’s next characteristic.
And that is that God is everywhere present. It would not surprise me that there is a camera on your laptop, installed by one or another tech giant. And, if you are trendy, you also have an Alexa or echo dot somewhere in your home or office. Anywhere you turn, the tech giants are there in one or another guise, pretending it is for your increasing convenience.
Is Your Echo Dot Not Watching You?
This is not a debate about where convenience ends and privacy begins. We stay on point and ask the relevant questions. Is that another way that tech giants are trying to emulate God? And with so much invasive technology, are we at the end of time? Because, in the tribulation, the Antichrist will have as much data on everyone as possible.
Is the devil coming into his own soon as the Antichrist? And will it manifest through the tech giants? We cannot say yet but the forces are certainly massing. That makes it critical for all believers to always consider world events in light of scriptures. Otherwise, we might be caught with our pants down and miss the Rapture.
The other day, a bank, reputed the be the biggest in the US, started offering $5.00 for using their contactless credit card. You had to use it a number of times within a short period. Next, it opened a very high-yield competition for those who use contactless cards.
As a believer, you observe such inexplicable give-aways you need to ask yourself pertinent questions. Why the multiple give-away prizes in such a short amount of time? And why the rush to widely introduce technology that the bible lists as a vital part of the tribulation? As you know, at that time, you will only be able to buy and sell with contactless technology.
Only In God, You Have A Hiding Place.
Only those who take part in the Rapture will escape the excruciating and terrifying trouble of the tribulation. Hence our cautionary investigation. We need to be on our guard so that we do not miss the Rapture. And yet, there is good news for the cautious and questioning believer. Such a believer will find a hiding place in God.
And no, this is not a negation of an earlier subheading. That subheading suggested that there is no longer a hiding place from God. And that assertion remains absolutely correct. You cannot hide from God but within Him, there is a hiding place. He provides it for all who are tired of being constantly watched by Amazon and the other tech giants. We see that that hiding place is for select people.
Such people are those who locate and choose to live in the secret place of the Most-High. They are the ones who will abide safely, under God’s shadow. Nothing, not even Satan can touch them there. And his henchmen, the tech giants who are trying to ape God, can certainly not touch you when you are under the shadow of God.

Hallelujah!!! Praise God forever. Psalm 90:1.
When we think of the reality that there’s literally no hiding place for us all tech savvy 21st century breeds, it even becomes more concerning.
Recently, governments within the European union proactively made frantic efforts to design legal grounds to protect their personal data. Historically, governmental authorities among nations of the world are aware of red-flags posing as danger, not only to their privacy, but more-so to their existence of-course.
As we all know, there exists no human government in this world to whom we can entrust our lives and be at utmost peace of mind. This is why, in my opinion, it is smart to “make hay while the sun shines” and so find shelter on time before the weather gets too rough.
I submit that in the 21st Century, the safest place in the world is to hide in Gods’ unfailing words.
Think for a sec, it is expected that instinctively, a child molester will have their eye sockets bulging out in search of a vulnerable innocent child to hurt. Likewise a sex addict will seek out any conceivable avenues to satisfy their urge. Most importantly, ones a habit is fully formed, it becomes like a second nature, regardless of who is looking or not peeking at you.
Since therefore humans have this achilles heel called sinfulness, the question remains: Would it be better for us to wash out dirty linen in public, in the eyes of man (tech Giants). The risk here is that one can land couple jail terms (in civilized societies) or, be clubbed to death (in out-right societies). So instead, would it be safer to rather wash them dirty linen privately in the eyes of God, be safe and then be healed ?
This thought reminds me of the decision of a noted king in present day Israel – David said to Gad, “I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into human hands.” 1 Chronicles 21:13
Your guess is as good as mine