Permit me to assume that you are a believer or that you are interested in becoming a follower of Jesus. That immediately implies that we all have faith in God. But if we are honest, we know that some Christians’ faith seems to work more miracles than ours. In fact, our faith does not accomplish much even as we become prayer warriors. We wonder what the problem could be. It is because we fail to understand the power of faith.
But unless we know that, we tend to redouble our prayer and faith efforts. We may even attend many crusades and religious programs. But the result remains negative. When our faith does not seem to produce the desired results, we believe we need more faith. We think we need to pray harder and longer.
And because we know that two shall put then thousand to flight, we gather together to pray. By so doing, we hope to increase and multiply our faith. We hope that our collective faith will achieve what our individual faith could not accomplish. Some call it corporate faith. Imagine our disappointment when we still fail to achieve the desired outcome. And that happens because we are yet to understand the power of faith.
Yes, faith has power. It has so much power that even if it is as small as a mustard seed, it can move mountains, according to Jesus. And since Jesus cannot lie, the problem must be with our faith. It is powerless, primarily because we do not understand the power of faith. We do not know where its power is located. We consequently remain powerless Christians, the type that the devil makes mincemeat of.
Your Words Reveal Your Faith
The power of faith is in your words, plain and simple. The words that proceed out of your mouth reveal whether or not your faith has power. Those who say they believe but do not really believe confess negatively. After all, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The two work together.
That is what the bible is saying when it describes how we overcome. They overcame not only by believing in the blood of the lamb. The relevant verse says that they also needed the word of their testimony to overcome the devil. What are the words that are coming out of your mouth? Can you overcome Satan with your words? Or will the enemy overcome you with your own words?
Will you be judged with your own words? The bible is quite clear on this topic. “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned.” In this situation, you may even find yourself constantly battling the devil. You spend time praying against the enemy.
All because you do not understand the power of faith. You see, your words reveal your faith or lack thereof. Many of us are prayer warriors but our words, our confession reveals that we are wasting time praying. We confess negatively. And believe me, I have abundant experience.
Understand The Power Of Faith Is Life And Death
For a number of years, I confessed negatively about an area of my life. Now that I understand the power of faith, I am confessing positively. But perhaps the damage I did in those days of ignorance is too much. I am yet to experience a reversal of that negative confession. But I don’t give up. I keep believing and backing my faith up with a positive confession. God will have mercy yet.
What about you? In which aspects of your life have you confessed negatively even as you declare yourself to be a believer? And you wonder why your faith is not working for you. All because you did not understand the power of faith is in your words. Now that you know where the power of your faith lies, start letting that power govern your words. God will yet have mercy.
The bible describes this power as death and life. They are in the power of the tongue. You may already know that the Bible often uses the word “tongue” in place of words. So, when you read the earlier sentence, you can substitute words for the tongue. Death and life are in the power of your words. That is powerful stuff, making it necessary to understand the power of faith.
Are you exercising faith when you speak? What are you speaking into your life? Are your words ministering death into your life in spite of your prayers? Or are you one of the ones who understand the power of faith? You pray very little and yet you receive great results.
Actions Show Believers Understand The Power of Faith
Your friends are surprised that you do not join them in praying long prayers. You are not a prayer warrior and yet your life is easier than the prayer warriors’ lives. Congratulations? Doubtless, it is because you understand the power of faith. You have learned the power of your words and that you must not confess negatively.
Please help your friends who are yet to understand the power of faith as you share this with them. We cannot afford to continue to live as defeated Christians. Some people pray for healing and receive healing. Others pray and continue to pray until they die. What makes the difference? We already learned above that it is the power of our words. Or, to use bible language, our confession.
Confession consists of two different but related actions; your words and the resultant actions. Now that I understand the power of faith, I take an umbrella whenever I pray for rain. Not only do I believe it will rain, but I also act based on that faith. All three aspects of our faith must line up for faith to produce positive results. Our belief must align with our words which must align with our actions.
You Must Speak And Act Your Faith
Abraham believed that God was able to raise Isaac from the dead, as we see in Hebrews 11:19. Suppose that he failed to take the action that supported that faith. He could have refused to take Isaac to the mountain which God showed him. If he was like most of us, he would have never agreed to offer Isaac. Then, he would have never discovered that faith has power. He would never understand the power of faith or become the father of faith.
If, for instance, you fully believe that the stripes of Jesus healed you, you pray for that healing. You even understand the power of faith enough that you speak positively about your healing. But when it comes time for you to get out of bed, you refuse, claiming to be too weak. What do you think will happen to your healing?
Right! It will not manifest. You will remain ill. The father of faith did something unheard of. He was prepared to offer his son whom he loved. Can you do something unheard of simply because you believe? That is the power of faith and until you know that, your faith will be powerless.
Instead of being able to move mountains, it will fail to move even a gnat. But when you understand the power of faith, even the demons will tremble whenever you are around. Before you pray, they start fleeing. May that be your portion in Jesus name.

I have resolved to approach things differently for the best results
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