If you are a partway decent student of politics, seeing this title will cause you to think that there must be a mistake. You know about the Unilateral Declaration of Independence. Unilateral Declaration of Dependence? You have never heard of that one. Read on, this is your chance to learn about the opposite declaration.
A Unilateral Declaration of Dependence Is Tough
We love independence. Even when we start to grow old and infirm, we cling to independence for as long as possible. And as children, we cannot wait to become independent. Have you ever watched toddlers in their mother’s arms? They are always squirming and cannot wait for their mothers to let them go so they can get onto the floor. They are gearing up to walk. Never mind that as soon as they escape, they fall more than they walk.
So, yes, deciding to become dependent is not an action in which you want to participate. Let that be for the “Jesus crazies” among us. It is tough, akin to intentionally suspending your mental faculties. And yet, the bible is filled with the concept. Take this verse which speaks of committing your way to the Lord as an example. At best, the notion of commitment smacks of one who is obsessed with an idea.
At its worst, it conjures up a mentally unfit person whose relations are committing. They drag him, kicking and screaming, into Bellevue or some other psychiatric institution. If you did not already think evil of a unilateral declaration of dependence, that last picture is sufficient to swear you off forever. And that makes this notion of deliberately jettisoning your independence particularly repugnant.
Lean Not On Your Own Understanding
By now, you are wondering, “just what is this unilateral declaration of dependence?” So glad you asked. It is a command for those, like us, who believe that the Bible is the word of God. In Proverbs 3:5, we see it: “lean not on your own understanding.” Oops!
Finally, this declaration is unilateral because no one can make it on your behalf. Not even God Almighty can force you to stop leaning on your own understanding.
Why then did you go to all that trouble to gain understanding? You are extremely well-educated and you therefore know right from wrong. Additionally, you understand your own needs and how to satisfy them. Why is the bible now commanding you to refrain from using those faculties?
All by yourself, you have sufficient understanding to know that a car is good to have. And yet, in this unilateral declaration of dependence, you do not buy a car. You ask God to tell you if you should buy a car. Even when he accedes, you still have to ask him what car to get.
A part of that verse says you should trust in the Lord and not only partially, but with all your heart. Does that not mean that you cannot take a wife without first asking God? It would seem so. Should you even build a house without God’s say-so? No, most definitely. Never mind that you have an understanding that home ownership is desirable.
Unilateral Declaration Of Dependence, To Be Or Not To Be?
In a previous post, we considered the need to thoroughly understand the Bible. It is your manufacturer’s manual. An understanding of it will give you the greatest enjoyment of your life. And yet the Bible cautions against depending on your understanding. Which is it? It is both, and we are not attempting to speak from both sides of our mouths.
Once you have sufficient understanding to recognize that God created you, it is easy to see your need of Him. A product cannot function well without the manufacturer’s manual, as we earlier observed. What is even better than the manual is to have the manufacturer in person. That is what you get with a unilateral declaration of dependence. A Total Trust In God God Gets His Attention
You now have enough understanding to ask for help from your maker. When you declare yourself dependent on God, you are demonstrating trust. He then promises to direct your paths. You now know who your future wife is; you will know what type of car to buy.
He will help you with deciding which job to take. But you have to ask for help by declaring your helplessness. You do that by declaring your need for God. You declare yourself absolutely dependent on Him. It is a concept that successful marriage couples totally understand.
A Declaration of Dependence Applies To Mundane Acts
The Bible declares that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. God begins to order your steps as soon as you declare your total dependence on Him. These could be steps between your bedroom and the bathroom. Naturally, such leading would apply to weightier decisions. However, God is also interested in the mundane things of your life. You doubtless heard of the Presidential candidate who broke his leg a few years ago, in his own home.
A unilaterally dependent person will likely not suffer in such ordinary tasks of life. You will have clarity about where to shop and what to buy or even what to have for breakfast. Have you ever been involved in a traffic jam because your own understanding informed you to go by a particular route? If you are one of the God-dependent ones, He would have advised you to go by a different route. Perhaps one that would not make much sense, but which would have avoided the traffic melee.
A friend of mine describes – with glee – how God rescued her from burning inner thighs. You would not ordinarily think that God would be concerned about a lady’s inner thighs. But He was, as soon as He found one child who had declared a total dependence on Him.
He advised her to get a long-leg girdle. She obeyed – but of course, being already a God-dependent lady – and instantly, the problem was solved. Nothing is too small for God to get involved with, once He perceives that you are dependent on Him.
Decide Today On A Unilateral Declaration of Dependence
So, what will your decision be? To continue to lean on your own understanding? Or to unilaterally declare a dependence on God? The choice is yours but as someone who has been enjoying the perks of this God-dependence, I advise you to give it a try. You will be glad you did. I guarantee it.

Thanks for the reminder of total surrender in every aspect of our lives to God. Well written and received.
Thank you. That is the summary of it. Total, deliberate surrender.
God bless