At a basic level, we know that two people cannot walk or play together without some level of agreement between them. We realize that without such agreement, fights and quarrels will be constant. The Bible even says so in Amos 3.3. “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” I believe the Bible asks it as a question because it should be obvious that to walk together, we must walk in agreement.
Of course, many of us who know that verse think we should get God to agree with us. We do not believe it means we should always agree with God. And, no, that is not such a ridiculous idea. Why else do we pray as if God were deaf or on a journey? Even Abraham, the father of faith, went through a phase where he wanted God to agree with him. He wanted God to agree that Ishmael was the son of promise.
Kind Father that He is, God allowed Ishmael to live, but only as a son, not as the son (of promise). This idea of getting God to agree with us was a problem Elijah did not have so he could speak with boldness. He was confident he spoke the mind of God. He knew how to walk in agreement with God. How often do I agree with God? Do you agree with God as we see Eljah doing?
Understanding Lets You Walk In Agreement Understanding
How often do you agree with God? Judging by our prayers, the answer is “not very often.” Would you believe other religions do better than the Judeo-Christian religion in agreeing with God? One important point about that last sentence. Christianity – in its pure form – without the Judeo addition, is not a religion.
A religion is a set of rules and regulations that man practices to get God’s attention and approval. On the contrary, Christianity is the love God showed us by saving us from the devil and ourselves. He took it upon Himself to save us by sending His sinless Son to take the rap for our sins. It is all about God, and the only act we require is to believe and receive.
Unfortunately, because of the combination of Christianity with the Judeo religion, many believers do not know the difference. They think Christianity is a religion, one of many. No, Christianity is unique as God-driven, not purpose-driven, not human-driven, or any such thing. God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die in our place.
Do you agree with God on that score? Then you and God can walk in agreement. And, when like Elijah, you walk in agreement with God, you can start to decree. But if you disagree with God, how will He give His power to you? You do not walk in agreement with God and you cannot hope or expect to speak for Him. Speaking on behalf of God is what decreeing is all about.
Think Of It Like A Family
Believers are the family of God. Therefore, anytime you need a clearer understanding of God, think of the best human father you know. Which of your children would you share your secret with? Would you give the key to your safe to your wayward child or the obedient child? I imagine you would give it to the obedient one, the child you trust to walk in agreement with you.
You are confident that even in your absence, he would do what you require of him. You trust him to carry out your wishes to the letter. You think of the one who disagrees with you as a rebel. And the bible says that rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft. Think of a witch having the power for successful decreeing.
I do not even want to go there because all good people (read Christians) would be decreed out of existence. We would not be here. The rebels, also known as witches would have dispatched us to the great beyond. Again, thank God for the trigger between us and the power to decree. You need to walk in agreement with Him to speak for Him.
I hope we are ready because we are still far from graduating into decreeing. These are early days yet and we have no business being dropouts. In the next post, we shall see how receiving answers to our prayers is the initial sign of success. We need to start with God granting our prayers. And I pray that we shall soon experience more of that. The mercy drops of blessings that God sends to everybody are good. But we need the showers of blessing. They are coming soon.