As far as we know, “What are you wearing?” is the last post on the external section of our environment. Subsequent posts will deal with our internal environment, what is inside of us. You may recall that the environment is the fifth and last pillar in our series on Divine Health. Designed to help us live long enough to fulfil God’s purpose, it started at the beginning of the year.
We do not have time to go over all the preceding pillars but you can read them all on the Heaven Readiness website. If you are trying to read it on a mobile device, you must scroll right to the end to find the search button. Today, we want to ask ourselves, “What are you wearing?” That might seem like a funny question on a Christian blog purporting to help you get ready for heaven. And some fashionistas might misunderstand and answer with “Prada.”
But no, we are not asking about your physical clothes and accessories. It is just like God was not asking about Adam’s physical location when he asked “where are You?” So, let God use this post to ask you again. “What are you wearing?” To help you with an answer, the Apostle Paul gave us a piece of advice in his letter to the church in Rome.
He told them to put on the Lord Jesus Christ so they could stop fulfilling the lusts of their flesh. Their dress was to be Jesus Christ and the same applies to us. So, allow me to ask the question again, “what are you wearing?” If your answer is anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ, there is trouble.
What Are You Wearing For Protection?
And the trouble is primarily a health problem, a disease, according to the quoted verse. After He told the Roman church to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, he gave them the reason for that advice. “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” Wearing Jesus as your garment helps you to avoid making provision for your flesh. You are covered already. It also helps you to avoid fulfilling the lusts of your flesh. You may wonder why Paul did not say that wearing Jesus will help you avoid the lusts?
It is because temptation comes to everybody, even Jesus. You cannot avoid temptation as long as you are in the world. But going ahead and yielding to that temptation, aka fulfilling its lusts is when it becomes sin. Or as someone said, “You cannot stop a bird flying over your head. But you can stop it building a nest in your hair.” That is what putting on the Lord Jesus Christ helps you do, avoid the temptation taking root in your life.
If you go into battle and fall prey to the lusts of the flesh, here are some of the health problems you may have. HIV/AIDs is the first, but not the only disease. There are other sexually transmitted diseases. You may have an unwanted pregnancy or become a father before you are ready. There is drunk driving in which you kill yourself or make yourself a murderer with a life in prison. We could go but it is enough to know all these will take a person’s life prematurely. Such a person may then fail to fulfill God’s purpose. So, please let your answer to “What are you wearing?” be Jesus.
You Need Protection Against Satan
Permit me to flesh out the point that the Apostle Paul was saying here. When hazmat officers enter into a dangerous chemical environment, they put on protective gear. Often, they look quite funny but what they are protecting themselves from is far from funny. Policemen too, to go into a dangerous area of town, they have to have their bullet-proof vest on. And if a fireman wants to go and put out a fire in his shirt, his chief would query him. He has the right to ask, “what are you wearing?” or “what do you think you are doing?”
In the same way, living on earth without putting on Jesus Christ might prompt the Holy Spirit to question us. Since the earth is the devil’s territory, the Holy Spirit expects us to wear protective gear at all times. He expects us to put on the Lord Jesus Christ to protect us from the fiery darts of satan.
In the same way, living on earth without putting on Jesus Christ might prompt the Holy Spirit to question us. Since the earth is the devil’s territory, the Holy Spirit expects us to wear protective gear at all times. He expects us to put on the Lord Jesus Christ to protect us from the fiery darts of satan.
The church in Ephesus would not have needed an armor unless they recognized that the world is a battlefield. We are constantly having to defend ourselves against the enemy of our souls. His name is satan and I ask you, “What are you wearing to go to war with him?”
Your Best Protection Is The Whole Armor of God
We are constantly having to defend ourselves against the enemy of our souls. His name is satan and I ask you, “What are you wearing to go to war with him?” Paul knew that the best defense against satan is Jesus and so He again prescribes putting Jesus on. Except that with the Ephesians, he spelt Jesus out. He calls Jesus the whole armor of God, the pieces of which add up to form Jesus.
Take righteousness or wisdom, these are some of Jesus’ names. What about truth? Did Jesus not call Himself the way, the truth, and the life? Think of the word in that armor. Jesus is the living word of God. We could go on and on but it is enough to know that the whole armor of God is another name for Jesus.
So, a good daily exercise would be to ask before you step out, “Girl, what are you wearing today?” If the answer is not the whole armor of God, you are likely to lose the battle. Please take a decision today to put on Jesus Christ before you go into battle with satan. He is older than you and he used to live in heaven before God chased him out. That means he knows a few tricks you may not be aware of. Don’t live another day without taking up the whole armor of God, aka Jesus.
To your health!