Often, I wonder how we can believe we can be disciples of Jesus and not suffer persecution. The Bible not only promises affliction in abundance, we see the example of Jesus and the disciples. Poor men, they went through stuff for the cause of Jesus. You may recall the account in Mark 6. These men had just experienced the miracle of Jesus feeding five thousand men with 2 fishburgers. By nightfall, they had a reversal of experiences and had the wind against them.
Sometimes when you study (or read without studying) the bible, you have to laugh. I see Jesus here making sure that his followers never suppose they can live on the mountaintop. Up today, down tomorrow is what our Savior wants for us so that our trust will not be in the place but in Him. Miracle now, the wind against them later is what we see here, like in several parts of scripture.
You may know how Peter, that disciple who later became a giant of faith, wanted to stay on the mountaintop. There, Jesus was transformed, and the sight was so glorious that Peter, walking by sight as usual, told Jesus. “Let us live here forever.”
Jesus refused because he wanted them to know that the perfect place for Jesus’ followers was wherever Jesus was. It did not matter whether it was a miracle center of feeding, or a mountaintop of transfiguration, or in the valley of service. This is important for us believers. We often enjoy the mountaintop so much that we object when Jesus says it is time to return to the valley. And when He shows us His power and brings us down, we live in the past glory, unable to enter into their present joys.
These Men Had The Wind Against Them
I often wonder why Jesus did not go with them instead of sending them ahead. I guess it is because Jesus wanted them to get used to not always having Him in person. It was a foretaste of when they would have to depend on the Holy Spirit as their invisible partner and teacher. So, these poor disciples (I hope you see yourself in biblical accounts) were alone when the wind came up. Like us, they did all in their power to row the boat although they had the wind against them.
When things are against you, do not try to deal with it in your own strength. Just call on Jesus. It is not coincidental that at that very moment, Jesus walked by. Our master is always near in trouble. Unfortunately for us, He will not impose Himself on us, so you see him walking past the boat. He could see they had the wind against them but he kept going.
From the time that Adam blamed God for giving him a wife and indirectly causing him to sin, God has kept his miracles to Himself. It is only as you ask that you receive and as you seek that you find. They called out to Jesus and their story then qualifies to be part of our series on positive problems. If they did not have the wind against them, they would never have had the benefits of the lessons that followed.
The Positive Lessons
He went into the boat with them. Note that Jesus did not solve the problem from a distance. When you are in real trouble and you remember to call out to Jesus He comes to you. You have him right next to you. Next, they discovered another aspect of their master that they did not previously know. The winds and the waves were subject to Jesus. They all obey Jesus.
No matter the wind of adversity that blows through your life, it is subject to Jesus. The day the disciples had the wind against them was when they learned that particular truth about Jesus. We could go on and on. In Matthew’s account of the story, we see Peter walking in water
Who knows what your water is on which you need to walk, like Peter? You are ready to create or do something no one has ever done. However, you fail to learn the lesson that the disciples had the wind against them before Peter performed his unprecedented act. Sorry, but you may never achieve that unique thing. We could go on and on, but the point is that all the issues you confront will turn around for your good. Of course, you must be with God through Jesus for that to happen.